How do I get the Sunstone? [T]
Hint 1 of 14:
If you talk to Sophia, you should find out that you need to trick
Trottier into giving it up in a seance.
Hint 2 of 14:
Once you find Trottier, make sure that Indy doesn't patronize him.
Hint 3 of 14:
And make sure you've read enough of the Lost Dialogue that you can
answer the question he asks you.
Hint 4 of 14:
Once you've managed to talk to Trottier, you will need to scare him
into up the stone.
Hint 5 of 14:
Go up to the hotel room to start your trickery.
Hint 6 of 14:
You should find out after a bit of experimenting, that Sophia can't do
anything to trick Trottier.
Hint 7 of 14:
Just make sure that Sophia is subtle when she tries to get Trottier to
leave the Sunstone on the table to convince Nur-Ab-Sal.
Hint 8 of 14:
You have two parts to a scary disguise here in the hotel room.
Hint 9 of 14:
Use both the flashlight and the bed sheet to help you.
Hint 10 of 14:
What kind of costume can you create with these two items?
Hint 11 of 14:
Indy can pretend to be a ghost, but only if it's dark enough.